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Ripe Apple at the Orchard


The Curran Orchard offers an Adopt a Tree program for each harvest year. 


Tree Adopters pay for their trees and take care of them throughout the year.  In return, they are entitled to the harvest from their tree! Public apple picking begins on our Community Harvest Day on Sunday, August 31, 2025 starting at 10 a.m. DO NOT PICK FROM TREEES THAT ARE TAPED OR DISPLAY "Do Not Pick" sign.


Based upon variety and weather conditions, different apple varieties can ripen between late August to mid September.  

Each adopted tree has a sign with the adopter’s name on it.  


If the tree is also taped with “Do Not Pick, Adopter Will Pick Signs,” LEAVE THE TREE ALONE!


If the tree does NOT have a “Do Not Pick” sign, feel free to harvest a bag or two of apples from August 31 through early October. Selling or large scale harvesting is NOT allowed. If there are windfalls on the ground, please pick them up and dispose of them in the dumpster to help us avoid future insect problems.

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